Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And there was Much Rejoicing

Dear all, my laptop has been repaired!  Let the jubilation commence henceforth.  *Jubilates*

Now that we've got that out of the way, allow me to get down to business.  Soon, my friends, I will be returning to the foreign land of education.  All in all I've been satisfied with the amount of time I've been able to spend with each of you but... still it is not enough to make the departure any easier.  I love you all.  I know that I'm not the best with keeping in touch with anyone whilst I apply myself to studies but send me an e-mail and I'll make it a point to turn it around.

*Sigh*  I miss the days of summer as they were when we were young.  Yet, we did not value them much in our youth and squandered many hours with fruitless play or idleness.  Imagine what our forever summer will be like when we are remade...

Let us not be ashamed of the way we have spent the time when we arrive in a place where time is a free commodity.


About Me

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If you don't already know me, you don't need to know. If you know me then you already know. You will find only my thoughts in this blog, hopefully you will also think.