Sunday, February 8, 2009

New(est) Layout

Well, apparently the layout of my blog has once again changed.  Yo people, tis the Stranger, and make yourself welcome.  Do you like the Melding theme?  Frost and Fire meet as one upon the Stranger's wondering eyes...  Yet he seems caught in a heaven sent light amidst the fury of the elements.  I like it very much.  The thing is, as you may well know, I don't do html encoding.  This art was performed by a kitty Kat.  Little did I know, on Sunday morn, that she had completed this work upon my site.  A pleasant surprise.  Let me (and her) know what you think of the new(est) layout.  Perhaps it shall stay?  *shrug* I dunno but for now it is inspiring.



Jason said...

Impressive art.

Oh well, I guess I got knocked off your blog header though. I can't really complain. (It's not as though I returned the favor.) It was nice while it lasted.

The Stranger said...

Glad you like it.

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Yay Kat! Very good theme! I gotta admit...I tried to read the writing in the background for a long time. It's too difficult for my sick mind to process :-)

The Stranger said...

I did the SAME THING, ah well.

The Stranger said...

Also, why "sick mind"?

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Because I'm ill. I'm too ill to fence :-(

S.A. Detwiler said...

It's been a while since I've stopped by, but I like the new look.

I see you have been studying philosophy--- I am sure you've some really fun and some really agonizing assignments, but what else is learning about, right?
My studies here at GIAL have been great, strenuous, stretching. I suppose I'll write more about my time in Dallas at some point. For now, I am trying to keep up with school.

About Me

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If you don't already know me, you don't need to know. If you know me then you already know. You will find only my thoughts in this blog, hopefully you will also think.